Legal informations

Legal informations Legal informations Legal informations Legal informations Legal informations


You are currently connected to the official website of Olympique Lyonnais Groupe, Société Anonyme with a Board of Directors with capital of € 88,366,362.80, registered in the Lyon Trade and Companies Register under number 421 577 495 (VAT number Intracommunity) FR3442157749500045), whose registered office is 10, avenue Simone Veil - 69150 DECINES, 0 8926969, [email protected].

Olympique Lyonnais is a prestigious professional football club with a strong national and European record. Its core business is sports competition, including ticket sales, sponsorship products, hospitality products and audio-visual products.

The website, which is owned by the OL, aims to offer merchandising products bearing the image of the Olympique Lyonnais club.

Publication Director: Martial NARDONE - Director of Merchandising

Host : Olympique Lyonnais Group

Property rights

The site and the various components of it are protected by intellectual and industrial property rights. Therefore, any representation, reproduction and, more generally, any exploitation, by any process whatsoever, of all or part of the site (its general structure, photographs, information, icons, logos, graphics included), without the prior written authorization of Olympique Lyonnais Groupe is strictly prohibited. The information contained on the site is exclusively reserved for private use. The reproduction of any document published on the website http://boutique.olweb.frand the use of copies made is authorized only for information purposes for personal and private use.

Equality index woman - man

As part of the implementation of the provisions of the Avenir Professionnel law of 5 September 2018 creating the obligation for companies with between 50 and 250 employees to calculate the gender equality index, the Olympic Lyonnais Group is communicating the results obtained for each of its structures concerned by the application of this measure:

  • OL Group = score of 80 points / 100 points
  • OL SASU = score of 84 points / 100 points*.
  • OL Association = NS

(*) For OL SASU, when calculating indicator 1, the company used its own rating method to take account of its organisational structure, which includes both sports staff (male professional players and related sports staff) and administrative staff who are not bound by the same collective agreements.